A-Frame and Spindle Shim Kit

This shim kit eliminates spindle slop that is apparent in RS Vector, RS Venture and RX Apex models caused by excessive side clearance. These custom one of a kind shims eliminate that problem and will add longevity to all your front end parts. Get improved handling and more accurate alignment. If you don’t think this kit will help, jack up your sled and move the ski front to back to see the slop in your control arms. Don’t neglect to inspect your front suspension bushings. Riding on bad bushings leads to unpredictable white knuckle handling and UN-wanted sway. You will be surprised how bad things are. We always install the “Oilite bushings” (available at your Yamaha dealer # SMA-8FTFR-KT-00) coupled with this shim kit. This A-Frame Shim fits all Delta Box chassis 2003 to current.This kit includes all the necessary shims and instructions needed.
Price: $29.99 |