Sloppy Steering Fix

Sloppy Steering Fix
This kit is for All Phazer and Venture Lite models.  Our kit totally fixes the slop in the handlebars. There are many pivot points in the steering and the collector at the bottom is far too loose from the factory. Are you sick and tired of micro compensating steering input all day long to keep your sled tracking straight? This gets tiring and can be dangerous. This kit will tighten up the steering collector and pit-man arms permanently which will make a dramatic difference in control and handling compared to the inferior factory parts. Phazer, Venture Lite and Nytro models. We highly recommend our “Safer Outer Tie Rod Bolt Kit” to finish off this repair, so your ski alignment stays where it belongs so you’re not white-knuckle riding anymore. Includes all hardware and full instructions to do the job right the first time!
Price:  $59.99