Clutch Kits-RS Vector

Clutch Kits-RS Vector

Low engagement doesn’t mean low power anymore!

Our Torque Monster Clutch Kits were developed for every RS Vector model specifically and are tailored per customer (no cookie cutter set-ups). This takes the guess work out of the picture. Designed by SBM to improve the RS at engagement, low end, mid-range, throttle response, engine braking and top speed. Lets talk about engagement. We are clamping the belt @ 2,800 rpm at the primary clutch (the small pulley) to reduce belt slip, sheave wear and widen the gear ratio. Have you noticed that loading and unloading the sled is difficult because it wants to spin the track and leap forward or backwards uncontrollably. Even backing up is hard and sometimes problematic. Have you also experienced having to blip the throttle a bunch of times to negotiate a turn at lower speeds? Pouring through the turn with consistent throttle input and reduced inside ski lift are a huge plus. This four stroke engine has over 70 ft lbs of torque @ 3,300 rpm, so why would you need to engage @ 3,900 rpm. You won’t believe how well you will be able to maneuver at lower speeds with the addition of the lower 2,800 rpm engagement. Now lets talk mid-range arm stretch. If you think your RS Vector is fast now, try keeping it in the (CAMSHAFT) all the way to top end. Talk about usable power! A big plus from this set up will be lower cruising rpm. This translates into better fuel mileage, broad torque in the mid-range, awesome throttle response, and great top-end. Easily installed at home (No puller needed)
RS Vector Comfort Clutch Kit: The RS Vector Comfort Clutch kit is for those who dis-like the higher engagement and loud clutch in the RS Vector models. This clutch kit lowers the engagement 1,200 rpm for smooth take-offs and maneuvering. You will experience less track spin, jumpiness, and aggressive back-shift (the “thrown forward” feeling). Don’t be fooled by the word “Comfort”. You will get a silky smooth 2,800 rpm engagement, comfortable/controlled use of reverse, smooth throttle cornering, far less inside ski lift, lower cruising rpm, better fuel mileage, increased power to the track and more top end. All of our Comfort Clutch Kits come with a primary spring, rollers and a full Quiet Kit!
2005-Up (All Models) RS Vector Comfort Clutch Kit w/ Full Quiet Kit: $169.99
Comfort and Full Quiet Kits Include:
  • A High Quality Low Engagement Primary Spring
  • SBM High Quality Custom Rollers
  • Custom, Thicker Delrin Flyweight Side Shims
  • Custom Black Nylon Roller Pin Quiet Kit

Stage 1 Clutch Kit Stage 2 Clutch Kit
RS Vector Stage 1 & 2: The Stage 1 & 2 kits provide all the benefits of the Comfort Kit w/ Full Quiet Kit while adding tons of extra throttle response, hard mid-range arm pull and higher top speeds.  Take your RS Vector to the next level of performance where the stock clutching can’t take you.  All of our clutch kits include a Full Quiet Kit.  Stage 1 pictured on left and Stage 2 on the right.  Call Chris with kit questions, options and pricing.
Stage 1 Clutch Kit Price: $349.99
Stage 2 Clutch Kit Price: $439.99

Ask us about our custom gearing kits and anti-ratchet drive wheels.